As the weather gets warmer and dryer, the risk of wildfires increases. Here are some tips to help fireproof your home and protect your family:
1. Keep your gutters and eaves clear of leaves and other debris.
2. Remove dead vegetation and woodpiles from around your home.
3. Make sure your lawn is green and well-watered.
4. Keep your windows and doors closed to help prevent embers from entering your home.
5. If a fire is approaching, close all doors and windows and turn off any fans or air conditioning to prevent drawing smoke and heat into your home.
6. Have a plan and practice it with your family so everyone knows what to do in case of a fire.
7. Install smoke alarms and test them monthly.
8. Keep a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible location.
9. Know the emergency phone numbers for your area and how to reach your local fire department.
10. Stay informed about the latest fire conditions and evacuation routes.