Home is where the hearth is, and you want to make sure your abode is as fireproof as possible. Here are some tips to help keep your home safe from fires.
1. Inspect your home regularly for fire hazards. Check for things like frayed electrical cords, overloaded outlets, and flammable liquids stored near heat sources.
2. Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors, and test them monthly.
3. Have a fire escape plan and practice it with your family.
4. Keep a fire extinguisher in an easily accessible place.
5. Don’t leave candles unattended, and blow them out before going to bed.
6. Don’t smoke indoors.
7. Keep your chimney clean and inspected.
8. Store flammable materials like propane and gasoline outdoors, away from your home.
9. Be careful when using space heaters, and never leave them unattended.
10. Educate your family about fire safety, and make sure everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire.
By following these tips, you can help keep your home safe from fires.