Tennessee and Northern Alabama’s Most Common Causes of Residential Fires

According to the National Fire Protection Association, the leading cause of residential fires in Tennessee and Northern Alabama is cooking. Other common causes of residential fires include heating equipment, electrical equipment, and smoking.

Cooking fires are the leading cause of residential fires in the United States. Two-thirds of all home fires start in the kitchen. The leading cause of cooking fires is unattended cooking. Never leave food unattended on the stovetop. If you must leave the kitchen, even for a short time, turn off the stove.

Heating equipment is the second leading cause of residential fires in the United States. Heating equipment fires usually start in the chimney or fireplace. To prevent a heating equipment fire, have your chimney or fireplace inspected and cleaned every year by a qualified professional. Never use your oven to heat your home.

Electrical equipment is the third leading cause of residential fires in the United States. Electrical fires usually start because of faulty wiring or overloaded circuits. To prevent an electrical fire, have your home’s wiring inspected by a qualified electrician every three to five years. Do not overload your circuits.

Smoking is the fourth leading cause of residential fires in the United States. Smoking fires usually start because of careless smoking. To prevent a smoking fire, never smoke in bed. Use deep, sturdy ashtrays. Do not throw cigarette butts in the trash can.