The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. But they’re also a time when home fires increase. According to the National Fire Protection Association, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 860 structure fires started by Christmas trees per year between 2013 and 2015. These fires caused an annual average of $10 million in direct property damage.
Here are some tips to help prevent fire damage during the holidays:
1. Inspect your holiday lights each year before putting them up. Look for frayed wires, cracked sockets, and loose connections.
2. Use only lights that have been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory.
3. Never use electric lights on a metallic tree. The tree can become charged with electricity and start a fire.
4. Don’t overload electrical outlets.
5. Keep candles away from flammable decorations and materials.
6. Never leave lit candles unattended.
7. Keep a fire extinguisher handy, and know how to use it.
8. Have a plan for how you’ll escape a fire. Make sure everyone in your family knows the plan.
9. Practice your escape plan.
10. Install smoke alarms on every level of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Test them monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year.